History |
This contains JLogger's history, all that is implemented, and also a futurist view, with the characteristics that are going to be implemented. All these informations are also available in the CHANGES file, in the root directory of JLogger. |
History (CHANGES) |
0.6.0 --> 1.0.0 |
- A completly usable version is now available. After month (!!) of hard programming day, and a few optimization, the JLogger 1.0.0 version is now ready. You can dowload it here.
0.5.1 --> 0.6.0 |
- A network ouput and manager has been added. It allow to connect to a remote logging server. It is designed to be used with a JLoggerServer.
0.5.0 --> 0.5.1 |
- The documentation (and the web site) has been completely re-written. - The XmlConfigurator tool know handle the possibility to use the same log manager for different logger (in fact, you can define more than one logger into the same 'logger' xml node). - It is now easy to get the data that are stored by a GUI output (JTableOutput or JTextOutput), using the getData() method of associated LogManager (JTableLogManager and JTextLogManager).
0.4.2 --> 0.5.0 |
- A GUI text LogManager is now available. - ConsoleLogManager and FileLogManager now have constructors with a pattern parameter. - A GUI table LogManager is now available. This version is quite simple and have to be improved, by coloring the row. - equals() methods have been written for each LogManager, Output and Formatter. - hashCode() methods have been written for each LogManager, Output and Formatter.
0.4.1 --> 0.4.2 |
- Lot's of minor optimization have been done. - It is no more a possibility to add the same LogManager twice. This was quite a problem, and it is now resolve. A simple verification mechanism does that. It has required to write an equals() method for each LogManager, Output and Formatter. That was a problem, because we could have 5 or 6 times the same information in the log, and some memory was wasted. - For a FileOutput, if the file exists, you now can choose to append data to this file or not. If the file exists, and if you choose to append data, the informations are written at the end of the file. If you don't choose to save the informations, the file's content is deleted to rewrite correctly. If the file does not exist, it is created.
0.4.0 --> 0.4.1 |
- A lot's of minor optimization have been made, especially for the different output. - The Jlogger's buffer is now limited in size. This prevent from buffer overflow if there is a lot of information to store. Only the older informations are deleted. This buffer is used to keep older informations, and allows them to be republished when a new LogManager is added.
0.3.2 --> 0.4.0 |
- The JLogger tool now can auto configure himself. A Configurator interface has been added, and a tool that is designed for using an XML file. See the documentation for more information.
0.3.1 --> 0.3.2 |
- A JDBC log tools group (Output, Formatter and LogManager) has been added. It allow you to connect to any database, to create a new table or use an existing one, and to easily log into it.
0.3.0 --> 0.3.1 |
- All the start(), stop() and shutdown() method has been removed, because they were un-useful and make the logging process more complex. - A new FileOutput has been written. It now perfectly manage file that need a header and a footer parameter (That's an other reason for start() and stop() methods disappearance).
0.2.1 --> 0.3.0 |
The tool has been completely rewritten. Present all the modification may be too long, you should better watch the documentation page, which have been updated. Here is some of he major modification: |
- A class Logger know represent the tracing and logging tool, and the JLogger class become static and is in charge of creation and destruction of different logger/formatter/output. (Obsolote) - Because of this modification, JLogger is now really more efficiency, particularly when using more than one logger. - Moreover, the outputs like Xml or Html (that needs a header and a footer information) are now fully usable. - Finally, the application is now ready to be used with a network logging server, which will be available into a next version.
0.2.0 --> 0.2.1 |
- A PatternFormatter has been added. Creating you're own format is now really simple using this class. - You know can name you're logger.
0.1.5 --> 0.2.0 |
- The 'running for' field has been added. You can use the time that the logger is running for. - The JLogger is now multithread. The class net.jlogger.JLogger extends the java.lang.Thread class. Starting and stopping the thread is automatics, just use the old startLogging() and stopLogging() methods.
0.1.4 --> 0.1.5 |
- A GUI output, formatter and log manager has been added. You can easily incorporate the JLogger tool to you're Graphical User Interface.
Next version (TODO) |
JLogger |
- Add some parameters checking, specially for header and footer parameters. - Add a defaultLogManager(LogManager) method to the JLoggerFactory, that will add some default LogManager to JLogger created with JLoggerFactory. - The level are now object. - The PatternFormatter has been rewritten, for more configuration capability.
Extension |
- Develop a network logging server. He must allow to centralize information that comes from different logger, and moreover, from different applications. He must be developed to be used into a JSP/Servlet environment, like Tomcat. - The network logging server must be configured by an XML file. To do so, the XmlConfigurator tool must be modified. - Write a TagLib library that will allow JLogger to be used into some JavaServerPages.